Sunday, October 13, 2013

Amid the Moral and Civil Decay

OK... So it's been three years, roughly since I have entered a post. I fell into a mode or mood (your choice) of who the heck cares what I think? Especially among the trillions of unread blogs, sermons, papers, theories, treaties, books, facebook rants and their expansions, rewrites, arguments, thank yous, rebuttals, outraged ALL CAP screaming, or highbrow snarkey commentaries. (Oh, I'm straying already).  I felt as if my attempt at writing my thoughts was as effective as a mime alone in a dark room. I believed I should make better use of my time. So I abandoned the whole process.

But my Blog did not go away. Just static. But, neither did my amazement for the life and world around me.

Time did though. It moved on without my written impressions. I have remained the same - AND changed. How's that you ask? Just like most everyone else I'm a little older and a little wiser. Three years has been like 15; a lot of life (the good the sad and the ugly) has occurred.

The "World" has become much darker recently. My nation's morality is flapping around the room like a balloon let go. It has affected us all - and saddened us all. But I will not write about politics. Mostly because it make people (perfectly wonderful and good and sane people) get mean, and ugly and intolerant and .. insane. I'll not bring that mess in here.

Instead I will write about my life as an artist. Which is where I intended to go with this Bog Blog in the first place. I will be taking my readers on a walk with me as I reinstate my place as an artist in a falling and crumbling society. Hopefully my words and my work will be a sight for sore eyes, and an encouragement for your journey.

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