Thursday, February 4, 2010

Frozen Water

 You may notice throughout these entries, that water is a common theme - which I suppose is somewhat academic in a bog blog. But - h2o  is present in many of my images, both photo and drawn. You'll see a good number of crows as well - but that's for another day and another tangent. This one's about frozen water- or really a red canoe.

On my way to Erie (PA) this afternoon I spied this canoe inertly yet patiently waiting the thaw on the bank of a farm pond. I may just take the same route (77) to watch the unfolding of it's story throughout the seasons. Right now the pond behind it looks pretty frozen. No mud yet. The frogs and fish are snoozing deeply. The big lug of the farm dog was dutifully  barking  at me. But his tail evenly slapping his ribs revealed that he was really rather pleased to see me.


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